Posted in Entertainment, Paranormal, Reading, Romance

Genre Shifts are Needed From Time To Time

When I read, I like to be engaged. I look forward to enjoying a book. I do not like feeling exhausted by a story. After reading a book that have my interest waning, I need to switch things up a bit. A genre change is in order when this is the case.

I have certain genres that I gravitate over others. For example, I’m not a particular fan of romance, but I do enjoy it from time to time. Right now, it is romance that is coming to my rescue. Light, dreamy, fun, and quick reads are what’s needed in my reading collection at the moment.

I’m still balancing it out with some books that have a heavier subject matter. I am enjoying this romance genre reprieve though. I might just take a walk in the paranormal world next.


I was always fascinated by books as a child. The beauty of how words flow is phenomenal to me. The way a story envelops the reader and transports them is a joy. As an adult, I kept my love of all things literary by remaining an avid reader, blogging, self-publishing a poetry book, and editing several children's books.

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