Posted in Family, Historical Fiction, Identity, Infidelity, LGBTQ, Mystery, Secrets

Love, Honor, Betray by Mary Monroe (A Book Review)

Lies, deceit, and cover-ups are interwoven into the lives of Jessie and Hubert Wiggins; all while trying to maintain honorable public reputations.

Jessie Wiggins couldn’t imagine that her being the new Mrs. Wiggins involved living a double life.

Hubert Wiggins believes he found a sweet spot on both sides of his double life.

When several incidents threatens to upend their good standing in their community, Jessie and Hubert navigates through the turmoil to keep their reputations intact.

This is the third installment of the Lexington, Alabama series. I liked this slightly better than the previous book, Empty Vows. I appreciated some of the resolutions to some of the underlying issues that were introduced in the previous books.

There was a major twist that provided a great element of surprise. I expected more fallout from all the shenanigans of both Jessie and Hubert. This book fell short of what I am used to getting from a Mary Monroe novel. The conclusion was wrapped up neatly despite all the crazy events that was sprinkled throughout book.

Even though this book didn’t quite grab me fully, I’ll continue reading the series with the fourth book, Double Lives. Fingers crossed.

Rating 8/10


I was always fascinated by books as a child. The beauty of how words flow is phenomenal to me. The way a story envelops the reader and transports them is a joy. As an adult, I kept my love of all things literary by remaining an avid reader, blogging, self-publishing a poetry book, and editing several children's books.

2 thoughts on “Love, Honor, Betray by Mary Monroe (A Book Review)

  1. I love to see that you got back to reading!!

    I read a few of her books “God don’t like ugly” series.

    I started to write but lost my notebook because of one of those books.

    Hope you are well.

    Royal Butterfly8 (Keierra Reenell)


    1. Thanks for your comment. I am well. I always loved her books. I also read the God Don’t Like Ugly series books years ago. They were my first introduction to her as an author. Hope you are well also.


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